Welcome to The Great Lakes Irish Wolfhound association
We seek to educate and promote the Irish Wolfhound in the Great Lakes area. On this website you will find information about the breed, photos and videos of our members' dogs, match results, articles about the Irish Wolfhound from our newsletter, rescue contact information and recent achievements...and much more.
If you have Irish Wolfhounds and are passionate about them but don't have a community or have always wanted one for years and are now ready? We are a growing, dedicated family and resource of IW stewardship, friendship and knowledge. Whether they are show dogs or just our companions, they are family forever! Click Members and join us on this incredible journey!
The Irish Wolfhound Club of America (IWCA), the only national breed club recognized by the AKC, serves as GLIWA’s Parent club. The IWCA’s informative video reviews the Irish Wolfhound breed past and present.
Great Lakes Irish Wolfhound Association (GLIWA)
GLIWA exists to promote and protect the welfare of the breed of dog known as the Irish Wolfhound. We foster and perpetuate an interest and knowledge about the Irish wolfhound among the general public and especially among the residents of the Northern Midwestern United States
The breed
The Irish Wolfhound is a breed of domestic dog (canis lupus familiaris), specifically a sighthound. The name originates from its purpose (wolf hunting) rather than from its appearance. Irish Wolfhounds are among the tallest dog breeds. They have a swift pace and very keen eyesight and a rough coat, a long head, and a long, muscular neck. They have a greyhound-shaped body, but larger with heavier bone. They average around 34” at the whithers…more
Breed standard
The Irish Wolfhound Standard of Excellence and Points in Order of Merit. Rough coated and tall - combining power and swiftness: Great size and commanding appearance: Movements easy and active: Head - long and level, carried high: Forelegs, heavily boned, quite straight; elbows well set under: Thighs long and muscular; second thighs, well muscled, stifles nicely bent…more
Breeder Registry
Breeding standards and contact information for some local Midwest breeders. Great Lakes Irish Wolfhound Association subscribes to the Irish Wolfhound Club of America, Inc. standard of behavior for breeders. The purpose of breeding Irish Wolfhounds is to bring the Breed Standard to life. One should never breed for personal profit or commercial exploitation of the breed…more
Recent achievements of our members and their dogs…more
By-Laws of the Great Lakes Irish Wolfhound Association
Board of Directors of the Great Lakes Irish Wolfhound Association